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 June 2013 Houseboat Q & A 

Question: "What do I need to do before my boat is hauled over the road?" - Terry (Nice, USA)

I need to have my vessel hauled out for repairs. I have arranged for the services but don't know what to expect exactly. What do I need to do to prepare myself or my vessel for the upcoming move?

Any information would really help, Thanks Terry P.


Well Terry, I can help you with tips and hints on how to prepare for such an event.

Firstly before transit you want to put down all electronics, kitchen appliances and any other objects that my be large or awkward making them unsafe to be upright during travel. Some of these objects include T.V.'s, Table and Chairs, Computer items, Any fine china or lead crystal or other breakable items on shelves.

Secondly you're going to want to secure BBQ's, Deck Chairs, Water Toys, ETC. and pump that holding tank!

Lastly any canopies or rails should be removed to reduce high of the load, this can be done by either yourself or us at the time of haul.

Hope this was helpful and if you have any further questions you can always contact us again!

Thanks again for sharing,

Victoria, T. Parks Marine


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CALCULATOR: Recommended Quarantine Times for Vessels
Use this calculator to find out how long your boat needs to be out of the water during different times of year and different places, to achieve full decontamination.
I-5 houseboat transport